Save the Turtles!

Current Campaign:

Keep Sea Shepard teams on the ground to provide immediate relief from plastic pollution for nesting turtles.

Did you know? Australia's six sea turtle species are all either endangered or vulnerable.

With every purchase of our Sea Shepherd collaborated products you help Sea Shepard help marine life!


Sea Shepherd Australia are a direct action ocean conservation organisation. Their mission is to defend, conserve and protect marine wildlife. From the majestic whales in the Southern Ocean, to the countless marine animals impacted by illegal fishing off the coast of West Africa, to endangered turtles off our Australian coastline – they fight for all marine life.

Our commitment $0.50c from every Sage and Cooper Allegra Bottle, Olive Reusable Cup & Windsor Tea Infuser Bottle purchased is donated to Sea Shepherd to support their efforts in clearing plastic pollution from our oceans and protecting marine life.

Can you help Sea Shepherd?

Partnering with Sea Shepherd, Sage and Cooper are doing what they can to support Sea Shepherd and their mission. Right now Sea Shepherd are working towards shutting down industrial krill fishing as it's threatening the existence of our whales!